Weekly Prayer ~ Thanks

Today I am praying to say thanks.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Today I simply want to say thank you. It’s something I don’t do nearly often enough, yet I am inundated with your goodness and blessings.

Thank you for the sun that warms my face and the nourishing rain that brings forth life from the earth. Thank you that I awoke this morning and filled my lungs with air – for the gift of another day to live, laugh, and love.

Thank you for the pillow upon which to rest, the roof over my weary head to shelter me from the storms, the food that fills my stomach, the transportation that gets me where I am going, the shoes upon my feet, and the threads upon my back. 

Thank you for the beautiful people around the world of all nations, tongues, beliefs, and color who paint a vivid canvas of diversity and life. Thank you for filling my journey with abundant acquaintances who both bring joy and provoke introspection in my life’s walk. Thank you for the handful of amazing  men and women who are my trusted confidantes – my friends – who know me deeply, love me fiercely, and pray for me unceasingly. 

Thank you for my wonderful husband – the one hand-chosen by you to fly through this roller coaster journey called life at my side.  Thank you for his willingness to provide for us, the sacrifices he makes for us daily, the unique passions you have set upon his heart, and his deep love for me.

Thank you for creating me. Thank you that I am perfectly molded by your hand for this time and place. Thank you for the passions, pursuits, and purposes that you planted in my heart. Thank you for bringing my spouse and I together and uniting us both into matrimony – for giving me a soul partner with whom to experience this life. 

Thank you that we do not have to walk through these current trials and tribulations of the world alone – that you are a God of mercy, redemption, salvation. Thank you that you have sacrificed everything that I might have life. Thank you that you love me so deeply that you constantly pursue me, even when I reject you. Thank you that you provide light in the darkness and hope in the hopelessness. Thank you for your abounding Grace and overwhelming Love – that you chose me and continue to choose me every single day. 

Life can be overwhelming and exhausting, and it is easy to be blinded to the abundance of blessings around us by the weight of our present troubles. Today I just wanted to peel back the blinders for a moment, open my eyes to the beauty that surrounds me, breathe in the goodness of your promises, and marvel with gratitude. You are good. Always. 

Today I simply want to say ‘thank you’.

In His name,


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